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in that particular driving part you have to hit the small gap in the collapsing building just off right center at full speed... i got lucky the first time so i got through by accident. i re- did that run a few times since that and hit that spot again and again... made it through all the time ;)

p.s. my first playthrough was around 10hrs /12 hrs second playthrough due to the staminas collecting campaign..about 24 hrs in total so far but im pretty much done with it.

visuals; 8/10 cut sceans are great some other effects like fire are not

sound; 7/10 the main theme is a goody but nothing much more, weapon sounds are a bit meh, the voice acting is very good

gameplay;7.5 nothing ive' never experienced before but generally very enjoyable, lacks balance in certain areas like weaponry,the upgrading is a good idea on paper but they should have done a lot more with it..a lot of the weapons are samey and useless..far too many in my opinion..i like the idea of saving people, in fact i wish there was more to it

overall: 8/10 very good game just not fantastic. check it out if you like cinema style games

btw...has anyone managed to destroy that asteroid yet? i unloaded a fully upgraded gutling gun and rocket launcher on that thing and still can't destroy it!