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XGamer0611 said:
The reason its sales are low is because 2K is being greedy. Every other game that has been ported to the PS3 has had a lower price point. $59.99 for a game that you can get on the 360 for $39.99 is a tough sell for someone coming in to buy a game. Especially, if they own both PS3 and 360 and never played Bioshock before. For the PS3 only owner they feel their money is better spent on other games out. Especially, with this month and November having big guns being released.


This post says it all, why won't the bickering stop?

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler