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TheTruthHurts! said:
axumblade said:
TheTruthHurts! said:
MS already spent a ton to extend warrenties, replace systems, ect. I highly doubt this will hold up considering the measures already taken. Sounds like they are reaching in the hopes of lining their pockets.....,it's kinda sad....really.....T_T....!

It's more about the fact that the product was released without quality assurance. If I remember correctly, I believe the number of original xbox 360's that red-ringed was at about 67-70%


          It wasnt even that high, the source in this video shows it at 15%.  The insider interview and statistics shown in the site below has it is at 30% at its highest.  As well as several others show it way below the 30%.  Now, I am not downplaying 30% (highball figure), that is still hurendously over the 10% base failure rate percentage.  But 67-70%......I mean...come on, you cant just make up percentages.........;)


Does that 30% include same console bricking twice(or more)? If it doesn't I can see the failure rate being 67%.