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It's because MGS3 had a lot less mental masturbation going on than MGS2, which for many, was the most offputting part of the game.

That and Raiden of course.

Unless you're into bishonen boys.

Not judging anyone if they are. That's your business.

MGS3 was intentionally written with a more straightforward plot, despite the big twists at the end, although many found the underlying theme of "scene" poignant, particularly since it applies directly to the fact that the player is playing the role of the future mastermind "villain" from the original MG series when he is still considered a patriotic hero. The events that occur within MGS3 are instrumental in Big Boss' disillusionment with concepts such as duty and country, which most soldiers will agree is essential in performing their roles effectively.

While the story was not intentionally obtuse, there are actually quite a few layers going on in MGS3 even without reading too deeply into it.