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MikeB said:

@ Paul_Warren

"Let me know when the PS3 outsells the Wii, bro, okay?"

I made a prediction that in a best case scenario for Sony it could by Christmas 2010.

That's my perspective as well, I think a Slimline PS3 will start to outsell the Wii and I expect the PS3 to overtake the Wii install base after Nintendo releases a WiiHD.

Maybe the timing isn't right to share such opinions on many multi-platform forums, as many people only seem to be able to imagine a future based on current events and trends.

I think the guy is just trolling himself by calling people with such opinions to be trolls.


 I predict 100% that the PS3 will be nowhere near 10 year lifespan. It's demand is extremely low compared to the demand the PS2 had, and that is all down to the wii. Example. Local Entertainment Exchange. Second hand specialists. As of 25/10/08, 6 used PS3's, 1 used 360 and no used wii's. Sony used the 10 year statement before they launched the console, but since then the Playstation demand has fallen dramatically.