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What I don't get in this discussion, is people listing 30 games. Nobody is going to buy 30 games. If you have 5 awesome games, with 2 or 3 for every group of people, then that's a dead awesome line-up. Who cares about if it doesn't have 25 other games that are also relatively good. If the titles have mass appeal, then 5 games may very well be more than enough. Thus, I believe that listing more than 10 games is pretty stupid.

The Wii has the weakest lineup for sales. Honestly. The older titles are going to sell a lot on Wii, taking away the big advantage of a bigger userbase. Neither AC nor Wii Music are going to be in the Wii's top 3. Overall software sales may be higher, but sales from titles that launched in Q4 2008 are going to be lowest.

Ps3 and X360 are going to be close, but as 360 generally sells more software, I can only assume that the same is going to be the case with the new titles. Especially as the 360 tends to have bigger launches than the Ps3.


That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS