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Well what if they did?

What companies would you like to see merger? What do you think would benefit gaming from there merger?

For me this is a hard choice. This gen if you look through my posts you will clearly see I' am backin sony this gen, (flamebait yes i know. but you will also see that it's because I beleive in the qaulity of the system, and not the company itself) so i would like see sony combined with something. The question is who? I don't want nintendo cause i don't care to much for the way it's taking the industry right now (catering to mostly casuals), and i don't want microsoft because i don't want more of the same games and i think desicions made by them might mar the platform red ring.

I'm siting here really thinking hard about what 2 companies, so far its taking me 10 minutes to decide....

Gah....alright....I'm going to have to say Microsoft and Sony. If they can keep best of both worlds and get rid of all of the negatives then it would be a wonderful day of gaming.  You have got to love the HD consoles and 1080p is beautiful. The 2 game libraries cater to me more then nintendo's so I don't have to worry about the games scratching on my 360 or my 360 red ringing, and don't need to worry about some exclusivity issues ( when i had a 360 i bought all multiplats on ps3. The 360 scratched ALL of my discs) Combine a nice graphics card with a nice cell processor? SWEEET . Basicly the console would be the console of consoles....omgwtfbbq. Whatever games the company didn't have, microsoft has the knack of buying exclusives. So it can buy back Monster Hunter Tri lol.

Overview: Sony + Microsoft

Might be a chance to get rid of malfunctioning. (they both have a record with ps2 and 360 however i think both companies have learned, and the qaulity of ps3 is amazing)

Wouldn't have to worry about exclusives in HD market. Everyone's happy.

A cell processor and xenon graphics = I just wet my pants in excitment.

If there was any exclusive issue's microsoft would just buy it up :P



Anyway....please please please don't make this into a war. Don't claim this company is better just say what ones would make an awesome system together.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2