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@Zen -- actually Fable 2 is an 89.729. And for a game that many were touting as the greatest rpg of all time. I find that both to be a failure to those expectations and quite what I would expect from the game. Why? Because that score makes it obvious that Fable 2 is no where near the greatest rpg of all time. It's still way behind almost every major Final Fantasy ever made and at best one can say it is only approaching Grandia quality yet probably still far behind the recent Personas on the PS2.

I said the PS3 will pass the Wii by Holiday 2010, and I'm sticking with the statement. People are wising up to the shortcomings of the Wii -- Wii Music and its dismal sales are proof enough of that.

"He also says that the PS3 version of Fallout 3 has a better framerate and looks better, and PSM are just biased against the playstation 3."

I didn't say that PSM was biased. I said Fallout 3 looks better on PS3 as anyone that watched both the Fallout 3 videos from E3 could plainly see. The PS3 version looks more natural, realistic while the 360 version seems to have a very monochromatic / faded green tinge to its visuals...probably in the same way that Gears of Wars seems to be predominately black and white in color and not in a way that makes me think the game was entirely designed that way but in a way that would suggest that the 360 has trouble at times in handling very colorful graphics in intense situations.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.