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I do agree that the Wii is hogging some of the spotlight as it doesn't exactly deserve it. I own a Wii and a PS3 and I use my PS3 95% of the time where as the other 5% is devoted to gaming on the Wii. I only play my Wii when my friends are around but since all of my friends have a PS3 now, my purchase of the Wii is in question. There is no denying, at least for me, that Nintendo has passed the torch onto the "Casual" demographic and is looking at the hardcore fan base as the minute percentage for there development. It's nearly the same for my PSP and DS. I use my PSP nearly 99-100% of the time and my DS collects dust. The longest gap between uses for my DS has been around 10 months. To comment on the nintendo makes games for kids, I believe that to be somewhat true. There development in the past was geared towards kids, and on a marketing standpoint "Mario" is a kid friendly character. Where as "Kratos" from God of War is geared towards teenagers and adults. The Wii is marketing to kids and 35+ year old adults. My parents use to sometimes join me in a game of bowling on WiiSports but they haven't played in a while. Just like me, the fun of the system is short lived.

Own: PSP, DS, Wii, PS3(20GB- Swapped w/500GB)

End of Year Sales Expectations for 2009 (Added December 23, 09):

Wii: 63 mil

PS3: 32 mil

Xbox360: 37 mil