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Staude said:
Spanx said:

Dinomax that's a matter of opinion. Here's mine: Wii is the only next gen because adds something more than just improved visuals. And sorry, it seems to be the way of next gen gamming:

- Sony copied the wiimote
- Microsoft is hardly rumoured to copy the wiimote
- Motus Darwin apar with many others are wiimote clones available for PC.

Next gen consoles will be all about motion sensing and something beyond it. Quote me! Pads like X360 will die, or in the better case will be second option a lá wii classic pad.


I'm an hardcore gamer, have the casual crap for Wii just for fun with friends. I don't have any other system, and online is just fine to me =)

I crossed out the lies for you. No need to thank me.

First of all sony had a patent for a motion controller in 2004-2003 (so no they didn't copy the wiimote, especailly since the sixaxis functions differently which brings my to my next point.)

The sony system also adds new things in motion recognision. Furthermore it has a plathora of other capabilities the wii does not. Which you could also define as next gen as they weren't there the last gen.

There. Believe what you want.


I crossed out the lies for you. No need to thank me :B