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...and I came out pleasently suprised and holding a copy of LittleBigPlanet!


So basically I needed some money to pay for LBP and R2 so I decided to sell some of my games, specifically Resistance, Motorstorm, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, and Rainbow 6: Vegas.  Since all of the games were well over a year old, and Gamestop has a reputation for screwing people over, I wasn't expecting to get any more than $20 for all of them.  So the guy scans in all of my games, looks at the discs, and sees that all the manuals are there and then he goes "ok so thats $49.25" and I'm like "uhhhh really? $50?" and he goes "...uhh...yeah..."  So I was SUPER pumped at that point. 


He then asks me what game I want to get and put this credit towards, and I ask if I can get a gift card or something becasue I want to use it on LBP which comes out soon.  He says to me "Well we've got can just get it now"  And I'm like HELL YEAH SIGN ME UP.  So I hand over $10 and get a brand new copy of LBP a few days early.  AND he gave me the Kratos costume download for the heck of it.

Gamestop is pretty awesome, I don't care what everyone else says :P


Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League