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Paul_Warren said:

"Alan wake"

Yawn...piece of terminally delayed shovel-ware. It's been so embarrasing to them that MS won't even discuss it at a major conference. It might be better than the Max Payne movie, but then again that only has a Metacritic score of 30.

I doubt it and in any case of what we've seen so far it will be the best survival horror this gen... so in even if it happens to be mediocre it'll still be the best in its category...

Halo wars --

Big failure. Probably about an 85 at best. But Starcraft II is the next big rts game once it comes out no one will remember that Halo Wars exists. Talk about a game with slowdown problems.

Here same thing... so far no rts has been remotly suited for console... this one will be the first one.... question will starcraft come on console too ??

It will be much better on the PC.


didn't we made it clear that we are talking about consoles only ??? in that case same answer than before...

"APB (All Points Bulliten)"
It is no DC Universe or Alpha Protocol.


do you have any info on that game to sustain that... I mean we barely know what it is all about....

"The protector"

"RACE pro"

"Halo 3 RECON"
This one is certainly destined to be the lowest-rated Bungie Halo game.

Hmmm maybe, but anyway a low rated game from bungie has still good chances to be way better than most games out there....

Velvet assasssin
Could be an 85

"The precursors"

"Dead island"

"Forza 3"
It's also coming to the PS3. And a better racer Gran Turismo 5 is coming exclusively to the PS3.

You probably never drove sports cars on a race track or had the chance to live near germany and drive with no speed limitation.... GT never had anything on forza as a racer simulation... graphicwise yeah no question asked... but that's not what I look for as the main buying argument when I look for a simulation

"Splinter cell: Conviction"

Their list might be have a little bit of interest if itf it had Voodoo Vince 2 or something.

Now, let's take a look at the PS3's lineup:

White Knight Chronicles
Ratchet and Clank Future II
Uncharted 2
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Territories
Team ICO Project

(That would be enough right there. Exclusive games by Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Sucker Punch, and Team ICO. What do the developers of APB, The Predecessors, and RACE: Pro have on their resumes that could ever begin to compare to what these four studios have done? The four Sony developers have several 9.5 and higher IGN rated games between them for their part.)

Final Fantasy XIII (exclusive to the PS3 in Japan -- best verision will be the blu-ray one which won't be compressed to fit on dvds. The 2 million sales that it generates for the PS3 in Japan will lead to yet another Sony rpg boom)
Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3 exclusive)
Hideo Kojima's Next Project (exclusive to PS3)
Kingdom Hearts III
Yakuza 3
God of War III
Killzone 2
Gran Tursimo 5.
Heavy Rain
Eternal Darkness 2

The vast majority of these games are all by proven developers that had at least one or more PS2 games that achieved 9+ review scores (and in the case of Naughty Dog and Insomniac they have already had 9 to 10 rated games in this gen). Unlike some of these games like The Protector, Dead Island (What is someone supposed to impressed by yet another zombie game? RE5 will more than adequately fill that role and after that no one will need another zombie game until the next gen).


finaly someone giving some arguments here.... weather you like it or not... this is more concistant than what anyone else here argued on so far....