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Lots of speculation in this thread so here's mine...

First lets talk about Ensemble. Some people seem to think its closing is a major hit against the 360. I'm here to ask why? The only game they're working on for 360 is Halo Wars and the new internal super Halo studio with talent taken from Bungie, Ensemble, and others will very likely be the ones working on a sequel if the game is a hit.

As for Microsoft not buying Bizarre Creations, it's a loss but maybe we're not seeing the big picture. Does it make sense for Microsoft to have two studios for racing games? There are a lot of rumors that Turn 10 is indeed working on both the PGR and Forza franchises which seems to make a lot of sense. They can more easily share resources between teams and it could benefit both franchises in the long run.

Also in case anyone in wondering Turn 10 have indeed been hiring/expanding.  Here's a link to prove it:

Next about the rumors of either Rare or Lionhead closing. Microsoft executives have stated that neither in in danger of being closed. There has been absolutely no credible information backing any claims to the contrary so unless the people making such claims want to step up and show us proof it's basically FUD nonsense.

As for Bioware never making another exclusive, timed or otherwise, how exactly do the people making such claims know that? If Microsoft can get timed exclusives from Square Enix why not from EA/Bioware? EA and Microsoft have a pretty good relationship and we know that Bioware's studios are set up for PC/360 development.

Anyways PS3 gamers can speculate all they want but I'm sure the vast majority of 360 gamers are very happy with the 360's lineup (both current and future). Also anyone that thinks Microsoft has shown all their cards and 2009 will be the last year of big 360 games (like claims made about 2008 and 2007), well keep dreaming and we'll likely be having the same ridiculous argument next year about 2010 or 2011.