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I got a call today from the EBGames I pre-ordered LittleBigPlanet at telling me they had it and that it was ready for me to pick up. So naturally I was excited and went and got it but when I asked the Clerk about the Bonus Pre-Order codes he checked to see if there were any and he said that they were out and that they probably won't be getting anymore. I'm pretty pissed about that right now cause the only reason I pre-ordered the game(breaking my no Pre-Order policy) was for the Kratos sackboy.

The Clerk said that I should checkback everyday to see if there were any new ones but not to get my hopes up. I still want the costume but I'm worried about what may happen if they don't get any new code. Do any of you know anything I could do to get the codes if the store doesn't get it?

I really REALLY want the Kratos Sackboy.