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Torillian said:
Solid_Raiden said:
Munkeh111 said:
I wouldn't call it a pillar, but it is a blow to Sony. I think one of the thinks that they should be really trying to push in the fight against XBL is the bigger releases that they have on the PSN, such as Warhawk, GT 5 Prologue, WipEout HD, Ratchet and Clank Quest for Booty and SOCOM, and so it is a disappointment with SOCOM, especially when the problem should have been solved easily and it should not really be a shock after the issues they had with the beta.

However, I would call MS PR (which has had slight disappointing reviews), R2 (only 1 review so far) and LBP (currently the 16 highest rated game of all time on game rankings, just behind Bioshock 360....) the 3 pillars of Sony's line-up. I don't think they have even announced a SOCOM release date for Europe, their biggest market!


 According to this sight Socom sold more than 200,000 opening week. This does not include all the versions sold on the PSN. All this for an online only game I remind you. I doubt it took much resources to make the game. It's not like Sony is going to lose money on it. But your right, Sony FAILS at advertising there games. I think there plan is to advertise there biggest one or two games and hope people see and buy there others? Either way, they FAIL. But they still get respectable sales so I don't see the problem. And yes, people would add Socom Confrontation to there lists of games coming out this fall, but that was because it was coming out this fall. lol. I don't remember seeing anyone claim it was going to be triple A. Just another game that would grab some players interests and sell some copies which it did. True, I was expecting a score of 80 for this game but if you actually read the reviews it was unjustly ranked due to server problems. I'm sorry, but if they played the game how hard would it have been to rate the mechanics of the game etc. then just problems that are obviously being ironed out?


I have to disagree.  A reviewer has to review the product in front of him, and online functionality is a big part of it.  If you review a product assuming that lag issues will be fixed later on then you aren't reviewing the product in front of you, but instead what you think the product will be, and that's just too iffy.

Ok. I see your point and can respectfully agree with that. However, maybe they should have waited to review the game? Or release a newer review for the fixed version like 1up announced they would do? It has no effect on me personally but many gamers will see the score and not make the purchase which is really a great purchase exspecially with the headset. And that's just too bad.


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