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Well i love RE series, and that's real shame they not putting it on the Wii, especially after their last 4 RE games were on Nintendo Console (0, REmake, 4 and the UC).

That's the decision they made some time ago (to deliver HD title) and i respect it, i am sure that they will create a RE Wii game, because they wont ignore the massive userbase that Wii has (especially in JApan). So as long as i get something like Code Veronica on the Wii i will be happy.

As for Capcom; i think they are one of the most solid publishers on the Wii, with MH3 coming out on this system. Maybe they will port RE5 to the wii using some sort of RE 4.5 Engine, like they did with the PS2 in the past? Companies slowly realise that HD gaming is not as profitiable.

As for 3rd party support, there are tons of quality games coming soon so i will be busy enough without crying about not having RE5. I just dont see the point of comments that were made by that guy just say "RE 5 wont be on the Wii" and that's it.