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Soriku said:

MH3 is coming to the US. They've already said they want the series bigger in the West a lot of times already.

Ah I didn't knew that.

TvC may not come but importing a fighting game isn't hard at all.

Well it is very hard almost impossible to import them here in mexico except if they are pirates, which I don't support.

Spyborgs could be good. It has a good team behind it. I don't get why people just call it crap and we haven't seen it for a while yet and it could be a great game with how much time they had. They want the Spyborgs' brand to be huge...they better start with a good game.

...Ok that's a good point. I hope so.

Fragile may never come out here? What is this bull I'm hearing? People are taking that one (crap) article over 5 Wii games that may never come to America too literally. EVERY tri-Crescendo game has made it to the West so why not Fragile? Seriously, that's bull dude.

Well so far there hasn't been anything official but who knows.

SC IV? SC isn't even their best series. Nor their only one. I'll take these "2 RPGs" (don't forget ToS: DotNW. Or if you counted that, a new Wii Tales is being made. So 3 RPGs. 4 if we ever heard anything about Sword of Legendia.) over SC any day of the week.

No but is one of their most important series. What I meant is that they don't even considered pmaking a wii version and I can't understand why. It seems that for them the wii is not that important for such series only for crappy ports but I may be wrong. and I have to be honest, I am not very fond of RPGs ^^;

I am just tired of companies treating the wii as a leper. Yeah yeah they were surprised and nobody expected it. But it has passed 2 years and they are still "confused". I don't see the logic.

But I may be wrong. I hope so.