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trestres said:
@Okey: It's not that. I accept that Wii games can't run in HD. But there was no reason to say it that way. Too despective, even if it's true. He should have just said "No, we don't have plans for this so stop asking", rather than saying, "Wii wouldnt be able to run even the title screen, so dont even think about it".

There are ways and ways to say things, the way he said this was inflamatory on purpose.

And I'm not the only one pissed about this, in fact maybe people at GoNintendo make me pissed lol. Just read the comments there, people hate Capcom way more than me.



Rofl, if he said "No, we don't have plans for this so stop asking". Wii fans would continue that petition they had ages ago. I doubt they would stop asking. And they would also probably insult him like they always did before, for not bringing it to the wii ofcoarse. I really don't see it as an insult at all, he's just stating the obvious/fact, that the Wii isn't as strong as the HD brothers. /Sigh I honestly don't understand why people love defending systems alot it's like some1 just insult a member of your family. Btw the only reason I made an account on vgchartz is to mimic and have a few laughs on people here :P it's funny how they argue.

