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mrstickball said:
..Why is it, though, that the DS can sell tons of 3rd party games oh-so well, and the Wii can't?

The Wii has 29 games over 100,000 units. 12 are 3rd party.
Therefore 41% of titles are 3rd party. However, 3rd party sales, by volume accounts for a scant 13% of sales over 100,000 units sold. Is it just me, or is that crazy?

The DS on the other hand has 164 titles over 100,000 units. 101 are 3rd party, which equals out to 61% of titles over 100,000 being 3rd party. But the major difference is in volume sales: 33% of all volume sales are 3rd party -- Well over twice as many as Wii software.

And Zucas, the market isn't bad in Japan. It's selling far above & beyond what it has been for the comparable timeframe last gen. Sales are indeed down from last year, but how in Gods name would that excuse poor 3rd party sales when Nintendo is still making a killing?

For example: Hardware sales in 2003 were down from 2002's breakneck pace. The PS2, GC and Xbox were all down. How come that didn't effect 3rd parties then?

And why isn't the supposed crisis effecting DS 1st and 3rd party sales? 66% of all games over 100k on the DS this year are 3rd party - One of which (DQV) is a million seller. That should tell you that the DS is selling more 3rd party games than they have been - a direct contradiction to your statement.

Do the analysis. 3rd party games aren't selling on the Wii. They are on the DS.

You can argue the why's of it, but it's NOT the economy.

What about dominant player in the market didn't you get. Was it the not so confusing comparison to the PS2 or are you delusional. DS equals PS2 right now. And that's why software sales. There isn't enough room in the market for DS to equal PS2 and Wii to equal PS2. It's really that simple buddy. I'm not even going to waste my time giving the specifics because apparently that doesn't help you.

And your just plain silly if you think that Ninty isn't being affected by the sales being down in Japan.  Games that Ninty has released this year with little to no hype that normally would sell off brand haven't.  Numerous DS and Wii games from Ninty themselves have done above average than what they would have done a year and a half ago.  YOu can check the sales number yourself to confirm that one.  Ninty is being hurt by it just like everyone else.