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greenmedic88 said:
vlad321 said:
greenmedic88 said:
Reasonable said:
frybread said:

Exactly. If gamepad was good, professional UT / Quake / CS players would be plugging gamepads into their USB ports.

I remember my first FPS (Wolf 3D) - I played it with a joystick. Most FPS gamers in the early days used joysticks. Then Doom came out, we went online (modem to modem or BBS) and faced "mousers" who utterly destroyed us.


There's a reason all us PC based FPS player would love to go toe-to-toe with console players using gamepads... and it's not a pretty one!


"PC gamers" can already play console gamers, ironically only on a console that supports mouse and keyboard controls, specifically on a game that supports mouse and keyboard controls, which by my count is exactly one (UTIII).

Of course, everyone one else playing through PSN can also play with M/kb controls which is why there's an option to exclude playing with those using them.

The only way to "cheat" is to use something like the FragFX online, which works with most console FPS games and gives you the all important advantage of mouse aiming.


Of course any real PC gamer shouldn't be looking for the best way to find ways to gain an unfair advantage (cheat) but instead polish their skills so they can hang with the best PC players on equal ground, assuming they highly take pride in their game skills.

It's like PC gamers who frequent console sites like this one so they can feel smug about being able to build or own a PC that has more graphics processing power than a console, whereas if they really cared that much about the technicalities of the hardware, they would be posting on an overclockers' site instead where everyone is striving to gain the most performance out of any hardware set up they have available.


Last time I played UTIII (about amonth aafter release and I never looked back) you could not play PS3 people when you were on the PC. Moslty beause PSN and Gamespy are incompatible.


You misunderstand; you have to play console players ON a PS3 through the PSN. Hell, you can't even play XBL players on UTIII since they're both closed network environments.

You just get to use your m/kb input devices against players who mainly only play FPS with pads. 

Why would any PC player want to play against players on the PSN anyway? It's a console environment.




That's what I was wondering too....

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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