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Soriku said:
Riachu said:
Zucas said:
Oh more and more ignorance. Why don't Wii 3rd party games in Japan not sell or seemingly worse right now. Probably because one the Japanese market isn't necessarily in the best shape. Haven't really seen any titles recently do amazing aside from a few DS titles. Secondly, Nintendo has quite a "monopoly" within Japan right now which really hurts 3rd party sales... more so than anywhere else in the world. You've seen this trend ever since DS became really popular in Japan. Now for DS it hasn't trashed 3rd party sales but it has meant that Nintendo game sales have been a lot better because of that heightened brand. This is very easy to see.

So given those factors you put in a title with a decent brand in Japan, Tenchu, give it a proper sequel but not much hyping and an average review and I think its very easy why this was never going to do as much as the 3rd one. Might have done a little better if it had released on the Ps3 considering games can be attached to certain brands which is why GTA and DMC have done better percentage wise on the PS3 compared to the 360 which would have helped Tenchu IV in Japan if released on PS3. Otherwise your left with this mixture. It's hard to sell a 3rd party game on the Wii right now given Ninty's dominance in the region, state of the Japanese market, and lack of real effort of 3rd party's to sell their games at huge titles. Hard for 3rd party games on 360 or PS3 in Japan to do the same given the state of the market, limitations of userbase, and higher development costs. Just not a pretty situation.

Ya see that wasn't too hard. All that bickering simply because ya couldn't come up with a legit answer.

Hyping a game shouldn't be that hard. Just make some trailers, release some screenshots, release news on a consistant basis and there you go. Is it really that hard to do?



Actually...for some companies, yes. Don't know why though. My biggest gripe is with SE. I mean just look at FF XIII...they've been giving us the same trailer for 3 years now. Just with a few seconds added. They don't give a whole lot of info and screens unless it's near a big event or a little after a big event. Otherwise they just stay quiet for a long time and pop up again randomly a long time after. But it's not just FF XIII, it's also the KH games as well. I don't understand why they're so secretive with their big games. And what pisses me off more is that they always have trailers in closed doors and they almost never come out. I thought they were trying to expand hype...not limit it.

The so called "being quiet for a long time to release info" method is actually why FFXIII has so much hype.  The long waits between info reveals causes gamers to want to know more about the game.