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In terms of review scores I believe the 360 lineup will come out on top this year. However in terms of sales it could be really close because LittleBigPlanet is getting such a huge push with all the bundles and marketing. Left 4 Dead is going to be a solid 8.5 to 9.0 I think and Banjo is a wild card game. It could get as high as 9.5 but it could also go into the low 8s maybe even high 7s making it really hard to guess how it'll do sales wise. Also I haven't seen any marketing for the game yet which worries me a little, but MSoft has done well with their ads recently. As for Gears 2 vs. Resistance 2, I'm gonna back Gears 2 in sales and say it could be an honest toss up in review scores. Resistance 2 has to bring out a better campaign though, and it's also got to deal with being an FPS which is a much more crowded genre than the 3rd person shooters.