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darthdevidem01 said:

ofcourse the price argument isn't nutty.

Its a fact....the xbox 360 can't outsell a system with a much higher price adequately.

In NA every week PS3 is up 100% YOY (check the American data source posts with the %)

In EU its the same can do the comparison yourself.

5 Jan 08 --- 18 Oct 08 ---------7,177,062®%5B%5D=Total&start=39089&end=39376

4 Jan 07 ---- 20 Oct 08 -------- 4,082,929

You know VERY well in the holidays the increase is much more dramatic

thats almost an increase of 100% YOY

The Legend clearly stated the Playstation brand was being destroyed.....I am baffled by this because the PS3 is almost going to outdo PS2's best year in EU this year itself (for reference & PROOF which yo think I'm not giving you check the thread with that title)

so I'm not pulling numbers out of my backside....what I'm saying is correct.

The Playstation brand is not being destroyed as Legend so clearly put is vbeing revived due to strong PS3 sales this year & PSP resurgence in Japan.

Besides your last point only strenghtens my the Ps Brand has shown an increase YOY in sales so its not being "destroyed".

Please read the post I am responding to & see the context of what I'm typing before replying.





 Ps3 is up 100% in Americas - Correct. This year 2.6M, last year 1.4M, so close enough.

Ps3 is almost up 100% WW - Flawed. As I said,  If you exclude the fact that 2007 was an incomplete year for Europe, it may be. To get a fair perspective, you would need to take out the 1st quarter 2008 sales, which are 1433K. That leaves 5.7M vs 4.1M, or slightly less than a 50% increase. Nothing more than what should be expected, as even the 360 is seeing a 45% increase.

How did Legend state anything about the Playstation Brand? In your quote it said "What if this game isn't the giant system seller that PS3 fans are hoping for? Can the PS3 afford to lose ground this Christmas?". That's a very logical thing to say, and honestly, the thought has strifed me too.

Why the hell did you put the PsP into the conversation? It has nothing to do here.  I cannot fathom why you put it here. It isn't like the system has taken off worlwide, currently it's only 20% increased YoY (not saying that's bad, it's very good). d

As for the Ps3 outselling the Ps2's best year in Others, the Ps2 sold 8M in 2003. The Ps3 has currently sold 3.8M. That's mighty impressive of the Ps3, but not going to be anywhere near the Ps2's best year.

The Playstation Brand increased by a minimal sum (heck, now I'm saying it too), that was lower than its competition. How is that being on the rise?


By the way, I'm going to bed now. I apologize for leaving in the middle of a discussion, but it's getting late. Can't wait to see your reply tomorrow, but don't expect one from me before late tomorrow

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS