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People on this site ahve cleaimed that systems sellers don't exist, but when I sit down and think about it, I realize they do. My dad got me a N64 becuase of super mario 64. I didn't really want a GC until Super Mario Sunshine came out, and I never got Luigi's Mansion. I kinda wanted Kingdom hearts and a knew there were alot of fun games, but I felt I would be fine not playing every game for PS2 except for Kingdomh hearts, and I could live without it since I only wanted it.

I bought a DS for SM64DS, and I would have bought another red DS with mario kart DS if I hadn't know that Nintendo would redisgn the DS (after GB and GBA it was obvious they would since the DS was flawed). I had no interest in PSP until LocoRoco, and then FFT, Jeanne D'arc and Disgaea made me really want to buy the system.

I wanted a 360 for elder scrollls oblivion, but it wans't worth $460 to play one game. Once a new Bajo Kazooie was announced for 360, I knew I would buy it. So when they cut the price this summer, I got it.

Now I will probably get a PS3 for Dark Knight (Blu Ray) and Little Big Planet (in my mind its like a perfected version of super mario world, since it has a sweet level editor). Even though it will cost $500, it will be worth it becuase I will be able to play all those PS2 games I could live without since they all cost $2-$25 now.

Many people last year I know bought a 360 for Halo 3, and those on the fence are buying it this year for Fable 2/ Gears 2.

Do people really not buy systems becuase of system sellers?