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Sell it. If that's what you want to hear, SELL IT.

I swear, threads like these should not be made.
If you find yourself complaining to something you bought you do not care for, then you do not need us to tell you what you want done w/ it.

You seem/sound to be a hardcore gamer and Nintendo obviously does not seem to cater to hardcores (Not yet, anyway... Hell, maybe never)
Then an Xbox360 and/or a PS3 is for you.

You are obviously familiar w/ sites like VG Chartz, then you are aware of the games currently on Wii and upcoming titles.
It seems to me you are not convinced any of these games will persuade you otherwise towards your feeling towards it, then you know what to do.

The same goes to anybody who will create a thread like these to all other consoles or anything at all.
I'm sure somebody somewhere will benefit from it once you sell it to some place like Game Stop.

Not all of us play our consoles constantly, forever.
That even goes towards anything. May it be a new PC, TV, Cellphone... anything.
Frankly, I do not know how anybody can spend so much hours on anything these days (what w/ work and all, etc...)