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SONY seems to be focusing on healthy first party development, and working with 2nd Party dev's and helping to fund their games instead of just buying exclusives. I think this is an awesome Idea that will benefit SONY in the long term. And look at the awesome games that are coming from it:

Killzone 2
Heavy Rain
Demon's Soul
MotorStorm 2
Little Big Planet
Socom Confrontation.
Grand Turismo 4
God of War 3

The list goes on to games we haven't even heard of yet.
Focusing more on 1st and Second party is the way to go. [IMO]
And they aren't losing much 3rd party support at all, some games
going multiplatform, but very few have literally left the console.
[Ace Combat 6 and Star Ocean are the only ones I can think of right now]

4 ≈ One