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A few aspects of this discussion really interest me:

1.) Most people comment on whether or not GTA would remain as offensive under Nintendo. It almost makes you wonder whether people buy this game for the game play or in the desperate hope to catch a naughty scene somewhere. Most people will argue that it is a combination, but the same will probably say the same about the Larry series.
But whether or not Nintendo would keep the violent nature of these games is questionable. Almost as questionable as whether or not Nintendo would ever try to acquire the license.

2.) Would Nintendo even even be able to make such a game? In terms of scale, graphical interface, and story type, Nintendo has not made many violent hardcore games of this type as far as i know though i am sure to be corrected. Nintendo did not feel the urge to when the gaming market was mainly hardcore oriented; is it because they don't want to, or can't?

3.) This franchise is in dire need of some sort of innovation. GTA4 is the basically same game that came out ten years ago.
And lets be honest, Nintendo is where you want to be for innovation.
Many will say that Nintendo spurns updates too, but honestly, their games take huge innovate strides over the years. Can you really compare SMB to SM64 or either of those to SMG. Or the original Zelda with TP?
One thing Nintendo does know how to do is to innovate on their existing franchises without succumbing to mere graphical enhancements.

Member of the Pikmin Fan Club