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Imperial said:

Well one of the XBOX 360's key franchises moves to multiplatform , the problem with depending on third part developers for exclusivity is that the future of the franchise on any platform is purely dependant on sales potential.


A. This wasn't an Xbox 360 franchise, lol. It was released on PC and Xbox 360. Is Left 4 Dead an Xbox 360 franchise, because if it is:

A1. PS3 fans are in trouble

A2. The will never admit it

B. Depending on 3rd party developers for exclusivity has always been something that wins generations. It's especially helpful when you pay then for that exclusivity.


It sounds like you are defending Sony's "coasting/1st party" strategy, which in reality is a "drop all support for 3rd parties because they need us, not the other way around" strategy, and so far it has managed to move them from 1st to last, and make them lose every big 3rd party franchise that was once associated with the Playstation.

You don't need it to be exclusive forever. Bioshock 360 lost no sales because of the PS3 version. You just need to pay developers to make games exclusive for a little while, like TLR, or Star Ocean. Developers used to do that for free. They won't any longer. Microsoft ruined that for paying for it.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.