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Jordahn said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Jordahn said:

Wait a minute. OPM is the Official Playstation Magazine while PSM is PlayStation Magazine is a publication independent of SONY. Or did I miss something?


I dunno anything about it. Really, the only reason this kind of stuff is ever such a big deal, is a lot of Sony fans like to pretend that the PS3 has much better graphical potential than the 360, when that has not only yet to be proven, but even if it is, it'll be so late in the generation that it won't make a practical difference.

Potential and reality often differ. Ask my mom.

The point I was trying to make was that when you said...

"Check the motostorm review thread when I said that the Motostorm review proved that the PSM wasn't biased. I've always stuck up for OXM as well." seemed that you believed that OXM wasn't biased based on the belief that the Official PlayStation Magazine wasn't biased because of its reviews when in fact PSM is NOT the Official PlayStation Magazine.  Just making sure if I understood you correctly.  But I've seen muti-platform games that are equal in quality and better on the PS3.

I believe that OXM is usually unbiased based on many reviews from them over the past months. Despite how it sounded, I was just using the Motostorm example to justify my faith in OXM. Fanboys are suckers for generalizations, and they would always generalize OXM as completely biased, unless I was able to point to a reason that was beneficial for them, in order to create a new generalization that official magazines aren't biased. In the world of fanboys, everything must be equal. No side can have an advantage, in an opinion, withou a percieved bias. Thus, I simply attempted to balance the equasion. The truth is, I don't know anything about any Playstation magazine, nor do I care for an "offroad racer" type game. It might as well be a Nascar game to me. I wouldn't play it, no matter how good it is, and since I care very little one way or another about said game, I have no problem lauding it as "under-rated" in order to further my plotting

What I do care about is myself being able to tout OXM as a relevant source, and not have the magazine generalized by every ignorant foeboy poster on this forum. So I use trickery and bribes to meet my ends. This is how it has always been.

This rabbit-hole runs deep my friend.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.