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xman said:
The price cut will have a an affect over he christmas season when mom is out and sees a $200.00 xbox and a $400.00 PS3 and maes the choice. The cut was well timed for a boost for a few months and we will see but hopefully a boost over cristmas when the most hardware is sold.

I am sure on some small levle that will happen, but as a parent i can tell you that I learned a long time ago that if my kid wants a wii and I bring home a 360 just because it's cheaper i am going to have a major headache on Christmas morning. I think the mass majority of shoppers out there are like me. We get what is asked for and not replace. I think anyone hedging that the 360 is going to get some magical boost over the holidays over a price drop that went down in early Septeember is wishfull thinking.