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Zucas said:
Is it just me or is there more worthless posts in this kinda thread then usual. Why can't people just actually discuss the sales when it comes to the thread instead of all their random beliefs about them.

I mean obvious good questions would be is the 360 lower pricepoint affecting the PS3's sales. But in relation why isn't the 360's lower price affecting the Wii considering its cheaper now. I mean sure we can all give one word answers to this that take off things people have been saying for months... like me... but there is a lot of discussion in that which people like me and Stickball and whoever can never get around to by all the other crap in here.


I think this is the first console generation where there is just enough diversity amongst all the consoles to where there are too many factors for each console that affect individual buyers differently.  So it really is hard to come up with specific norms to describe why things happen when they do.  The sad thing about these forums (and most others) is the fact as soon as you mention something potentially negative about a fanboy's favorite console, reasonable discussion goes out the window because very few people are willing to agree to disagree.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.