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Grey Acumen said:
2) except if you're standing still while looking around, there's a good chance you've already been shot. One would think that not having to stop would still provide a significantly harder target to hit.

5) um, yes, actually, I have done that, I often do that. It's called the nunchuck+ wiimote combo, or the Mouse + PS2 controller. I rarely ever bother holding them straight up. I could do it with my hand behind my back if I wanted to. The only reason I hold a standard dual analog controller with the sticks straight up is because you have to in order to be able to hold the other side comfortably. If your hands aren't attached together, then there's no real reason to hold it straight up at all, and it's generally more comfortable to hold your hands with palm down and thumbs pointed inward.


2) I think we can agree that with the mouse you won;t be just standing there, a quick jump and a jerk and you don't even lose momentum (even gain some in some games) or speed.

5) I did notice I played through MP3 with my arms sideways or upside down, but I also noticed that I'd fall off ledges much more doing that, or I'd get hit more often by the pirates.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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