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Graphics-wise, gears was the peak for me, other games have looked better since but gears raised the bar a lot from what was currently on the market, and I'm not sure anything will be able to make such a leap again this gen.

But gameplay wise, I'm still being impressed. LBP and Mirrors Edge are helping take games in new directions, and I think (hope) that we'll start seeing the system's power used for things other graphics, like AI, UGC, and new gameplay ideas.

Currently Playing:  Saints Row 2 | Battlefield 2 | Company of Heroes

Recently Beaten: Gears of War | Super Mario Galaxy | Darwinia | MGS4 | Sam and Max Ep. 4, Portal | Mirror's Edge | Uncharted | Mass Effect

Looking Forward to: Alan Wake | Splinter Cell : Conviction | The Last Guardian | Batman: Arkham Asylum | SMG2 | Mass Effect 2 |