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TWRoO said:
Good point, my friend has the most trouble with red and green too, it seems particularly bad if the colours are from a light source (like a computer screen) rather than reflecting white light.

The three colours do suit the three consoles that most people will be looking at though (Wii = blue, PS3 = red, 360 = green) but if there is an option to alter the colour to your own choice it would be good.

Perhaps it could be put into the profile editing pages?


While I will never question green for MS, I don't understand why Nintendo is blue.  Sure, I think of blue when I think of the Wii, but when I think of Nintendo I think red, like their logo.  Is Nintendo blue by association to the Wii when it makes more sense for them to be in red?  I ceretainly don't think of blue when I think of their older systems.  Plus, it's not like Sony has anything suggesting red is ultimately descriptive of their product line either.  The PS1 logo was mostly, but not fully, red, but the PS2 logo was blue and green and the ps3 logo lacks color at all.

You do not have the right to never be offended.