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Domicinator said:
Phrancheyez said:
Squilliam said:
Strange... Btw Apples is releasing security updates at a rate and quantity thats far higher than Microsoft. So I think perhaps they should be using the money to plug some leaks eh?


 Exactly..but the simple fact is, these commercials reach out to people who aren't truly 'informed'..they do things based on what they see and the perception of the general population.  Since the majority of these people aren't as tech savvy as say you or I, they're going to jump on Apples bandwagon.  It's a contradictory commercial, but Apple made it first..the only way to rebuttle it would be to come out with some sort of Presidential Campaign-like ad dissing Apple and stating 'the facts!' as politicians like to call it, which won't happen.  I think MS is taking the right route so far.  Attacking your oponents this way, in my opinion, it's showing desperation and weakness.  I don't think MS should stoop to that level.


Bingo.  It's crazy how people don't notice that Apple ads spend virtually ZERO time talking about what Apple computers actually do.  They just lie about things Windows DOESN'T do, and it actually DOES most of the things that they say it doesn't do.

Smack! I here it will do you good.  The fact is Apple commercials are fun, they're not informative because informative is boring.  That's what websites are for.  Commercials are supposed to be fun (not desperate like MS's I'm a pc), that's just how it works.