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Good software can't be judged by reviews. Reviews say that a lot of games are good that I don't agree with. So I'm supposed to except that they are good because someone else says so. Good software is in the eyes of the beholder not an outside party.

Best lineup is purely speculative and will never be right or wrong. We could even all come to a common agreement and none of us could be deemed right as that would be saying its a fact when there is no fact. This can be proven just by the amount of different opinions on which has the best lineup as PS3, 360, and DS have all popped up. So why argue something that is perspective. Now that truly is spamming.

Secondly stop giving LittleBigPlanet such a free ride haha. Yea its a good game and evolutionary in many aspects but shouldn't be held above the rest. I mean its no Zelda or MGS or really strong proven franchise which I would agree could be held above the law.