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Well, I don't really want to get 2 shooters this year since I mainly want to focus on one. I plan on picking up Bioshock anytime I get the chance but that is only an offline Single Player shooter. I also want a an Online shooter. And something I can play for hours without bordem like CoD4.

Multiplayer -

Socom - My brother already has it, and it would be pretty cool to play with him and his PSN friends. I have nothing wrong with socom, and I really want the headset. But I also really want Resistance 2, A game that he's on the edge about getting. He doesn't really find Resistance interesting, although he's quite hyped about Killzone 2 next year [and so am I].

Resistance 2 - I like the fact there are 2 campaigns and the Online component seems to be going for some serious lasting appeal. It's definatly something I want more than Socom, but I also really want the PS Headset since my Jabra is pretty much crap... 40$ crap that came with a busted charger to be exact.... [i've been using a usb cord to charge it...]. Played Bioshock Demo, CoD4 and Socom today at my bro's and got to use the headset for CoD4, and am still wondering should I go with Resistance for an awesome game, or Socom for a good game with an Awesome headset.

SO which one???

And just for the heck of it...

Single Player -

Bioshock - Love the atmosphere, the dark theme. The fact that it's more than just guns [the whole lightning and fire hand thing was sick]. And all of the reviews i've read tell me that this game has one hell of a story, and I love an awesome story. However am really wondering if I'll get enough play hours for my money.....

Far Cry 2 - Yes, I've said that I don't merit a purchase for this game in a thread yesterday, but hey, I just wanna make sure I get the best games possible..... From what I understand this game has alot of depth in the way you can play it and carry out missions. It's alot like a sandbox shooter which caught my interest. And I can get alot of play hours from it. But I don't know of I can get the mechanics or story in this game that's on the same level as Bioshock.

So what do you think??

Am just asking for some different opinions on these 4 games. Thanks.

4 ≈ One