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RolStoppable said:

Since it's already decided that the Wii won this generation, everyone is focused on the epic battle for second place between the 360 and the PS3. The 360 launched a year earlier and sold roughly 5.5m units before the PS3 hit store shelves. Nearly two years later the gap between the two consoles is still the same and here are five excellent reasons why the 360 will remain in front of the PS3 until both systems are discontinued:

1. Reliability - As we all know the 360 had its issues early in its lifecycle which caused Microsoft to extend the warranty to three years. Now that the 360 has been nearly three years on the market, this initiative reported by a trustworthy source should help Microsoft to sell replacement systems to current owners who were lucky enough that their launch 360s didn't break yet.

2. 10 year plan - Microsoft does what Sony does. They copied Buzz, Singstar, Gran Turismo, you name it. So it's not too far fetched that they'll copy Sony's famous 10 year plan as well. Some may argue that the 360 isn't as futureproof as the PS3, but if history has told us one thing, then it is that Microsoft is big in patching things and doing minor updates.

3. Wii60 is a better combo than PS360 - The 360 has great games and a wonderful online service in Xbox Live. This likely causes many gamers to play for hours a day without having time to cook themselves a proper meal, so they'll likely order pizza or get some other fast food. Of course that's not going to be good for their health, so why not get a Wii with Wii Fit to get some exercise without having to leave the house? It makes perfect sense. As a side effect, that's the reason why Wii Fit will outsell the PS3 over its lifetime.

4. Image - Sony isn't cool anymore. As you can read in this well researched article, the days of PlayStation are numbered. The popularity of the Halo franchise is just too overwhelming to match for Sony. I feel sorry for the author's brother too (he owns a PS3).

5. There are more important things than gaming to Sony fans - As Sony fans have become older, their lives have changed as well. They are looking into what life has to offer beyond videogames (and playing b3yond). Don't believe me? Think about this: In the week of Metal Gear Solid 4's release our good old friend DMeisterJ didn't buy a PS3. No, he decided to buy a Wii instead! And he's one of the biggest Sony and MGS fans we have here on VGC! Why would he do such a thing? The most plausible explanation is that a girl played a major role in his decision. Girls dig the Wii, so it's not unreasonable at all to assume that DMeisterJ bought a Wii to impress a girl. I bet it paid off and was worth it for him. Of course he doesn't tell us about this, because like the attention whore he is, he wants the infamous "Are you a virgin?" thread to live on forever.


One word: EPIC!!!

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