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Japan is a relatively non-legged country for most games, so after the first 2-3 months, don't expect LBP to sell any more than 2-3K. I don't believe Wii Music will either, but it may, as some Wii games (Wii Sports, Fit and Mario Kart Wii) have gone insane with legs.

So, no Ps3 game this gen has exceeded 666K, although MGS4 may make 700K. Other than it, none above 500K.

Is it really likely for LBP to sell more than an 800-900K there maximum? The changes are very slim.


So the only way I see Little Big Planet outselling Wii Music, is by Wii Music doing insanely bad. Mario Party 8 sold 1.3M there, and no doubt is Wii Music a more important title.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS