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My Wii has been gathering dust for the past month too! But that's just mainly cuzz there ain't no (really) big releases for the system a.t.m and Animal Crossing just isn't my type of game. Although I love the system, I love Nintendo's games and love the games that have been released already on the system! It's just temporary! When Mad World arrives! I'm gonna be back to kicking ass on my Wii... And an occasional game of Brawl or Kart won't harm I think! Just to keep the hardware running from time to time!

The main fact that I haven't really used my Wii lately is because 1) no really big releases a.t.m And the fact that I've been busy playing a plethora of big PS3 games and finishing a back-catalog of Cube games (on my Cube, but could've done that on Wii)... Games like Bioshock, Eternal Darkness, Fifa 09, Pikmin, Metal Gear Solid 4... It's all just better then what's coming out for Wii... So that's why! Priorities! Wii will have it's moment of glory back in a few months I think, for me!