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Skeeuk said:
DMeisterJ said:
Hasn't this joke gotten old?


it sure is lol

<--- this car sold more than this car --->

but the one on the right remains the better car.

^ i think that sums up the wii marketshare joke perfectly

ps.. ^above is meant for fun, dont be getting up in arms about it


If you are going to make that tired and useless comparison, at least do it intelligently.... I am pretty sure that the car on the right for instance, costs a considerable number of multiples of the car on the left (is it a lada?) The PS3 isn't even twice Wii's price.

Not that the comparison works, because should the car on the right come down in price, it still won't outsell say a BMW... the car on the right is useless for anything other than going fast and looking good, no one would buy one for a family car because it is not convenient, no one would want to drive one of these around a city like a commuter car because the ride will be horrid, it likely won't get over speed bumps and it would cost a bomb in petrol.

Anyhow my point was, if you insist the car on the right is the PS3, then the Wii would be more like a BMW 5-series.

^ above is meant for fun, and to call Skee out because although he says it for fun, he does believe it is a fair comparison, no need to get up in arms about it.