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Shoestar said:
I <3 ZenfoldorVGI spin :)

stop trying to drown the fish. I am not a fanboy when it comes to consoles. Truthfully, I love good games, be it on any medium, but the fanboyism has fallen on another level to the point where one side is sabotaging the other by giving it a bad score just so as to hope to lure people into not playing a game.

Thankfully, people do not take much notice into user opinions. There are dellusional fanatics on all sides, be it Wii, PS3 or X360. But fact of the matter is, Wii and PS3 fanboys score a point there for being more civilized and fairplay. If you look at metacritic user scores, only games like Resistance 2, LBP and Motorstorm 2 are getting sabotaged.

To rephrase some of the reasons people are saying for this thing is. "Wii users are casual and go with the flow, they are a different market to PS3 and wouldn't sabotage ps3 games. X360 with it's low price point for an HD consoles makes it the best consoles for younger players. GAMEPRO survey showed PS3 gamers being significantly older than X360 gamers and hence much more mature and civilized."

I rest my case :)

Disclaimer: I am a gamer. I support games regardless on whichever consoles its placed on. If the game is amazing, I am happy and will want to play it. I very much dislike fanboyism and think those who practice this dicipline are pathetic. It is fine to give your opinion as to what game you think looks better... but going as far as to sabotage scores, giving it 0s when you haven't even played the game just to dissuade people from buying it? That's low.

Bro, to be honest, I didn't really have much of a problem with anything you said, untiil you started ripping hard on Fable 2 because you were pissed at a percieved injustice you thought Fable 2 caused. I don't wanna prolong this any further than it has to go, and I didn't spin anything. Just don't excuse bad behaviour by pointing to other bad behaviour, and don't go ripping on games as obvious dissapointments because they didn't get LBP level reviews. It's an unfair comparison, and you were unfair to Fable 2 in general, a game I love right now.

So, yes, I might have been overally flambastic...but so were you.

As for user opinions based on numbers, who cares, bro. It's just as silly only looking at user numbers as it is only looking at metacritic numbers. If there is no explaination for the number, then you should never believe it. User reviews on, say, gamefaqs, are cool, because they require you to write an actual semi-lengthy review, instead of just voting with a number. When fanboys have to explain themselves, they usually die trying.

With the pointless Fable 2 flames and comparisons out of your OP, I woulda skimmed this topic...

Finally, yeah, it probably was just one dude causing all this apparent drama with the user-reviews.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.