Gears wont go maybe pc like halo other then that this round of consoles wont reach the heights of ps2 so software developers need to reach more potential customers if say 50 million PS3 and 360 are in the market place a dual platform has more sales potential! most of these hi end multi games graphics intensive games wont make it to the wii for obvious reason so hi end PC are the only other place for sales! and nex gen games cost abount 10x more then last gen games to make! wethe rits PS3 or 360 as long as great games are being made who cares where you play them. I love my wii but its more of a family console with sports and things my shooters are 360 with live and Iam waiting for MGS4 also resistance is good but not enough peeps with headsets hence the lack of communication drags the online experience down. I hope they all succeed and dev. continue to make amazing games competition force down prices and causes better software If one were to emerge alone and all others failed gaming would fail because one core group couldnt sustain the market!