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I want lair, because I like Dragons. I usually kinda like weighing reviews on my purchases, but this isn't one of those games. I am buying it because I want to have six-axis with a dragon. The only reason why I might not buy it is because there are too many games coming out this holiday, starting as early as September.

If it hadn't been delayed, it would have been definite. I know it is better delayed, but I wanted a PS3 game this month so bad. This delay is the reason why I started the stupid (which I know it was now) "Should I sell my PS3" thread. I bought a PS3 for Final Fantasy and eye-candy like lair. As much as I love my wii and good game play, sometime I just want to kick back and play a stupid game about flying around on a Dragon.

@Twestern, gameplay isn't the only reason why people buy games or play them. Sorry I hate to disagree with you, but if it was all about gameplay then we would all still be playing PSone dual shock (or Early PS2 w/FPS) games, the last time there was any gameplay innovation (before Wii). FFVII(graphics) is talked about just as much as Super Mario 64 (gameplay+graphics). Better graphics, story, sound, etc. add to the constant desire for people to have the newest thing, and why you have a job making new video games (that is what you do right?).

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.