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Service If your into free you get what you pay for. friend codes free, psn COD4 can be a pain linking up with friends. and to mention future experience home and trophies when trophies is supported what by 5 games now?????

And home isnt out yet to the masses to see how its is, if we were going to throw home out how about the new xboxlive service and ay that well beat everything.

but it cost money its got the best connectivity userbase services but whos tried it yet?????

wait till Home is released to the masses and the new live experience is out then compare and see. also how easy it is to be in a game and communicate with friends and get into games. so far live wins.

wii online stratedgy best games? if nintendo's your thing if not then who cares with all the billions ninty makes you think they would have a better stradegy protecting kids with friend codes and no filter for web browsing! ya I know parental controls and locks to keep kids off the net.

Ps3 has trendmicro system to filter crap on ps3 and why a console needs a browser???? thats why I have 5 pc's.

steam? havent played online there yet bought crysis and someother games there might play some counterstrike soon not sure if Ill get farcry 2 for pc or xbox.