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vlad321 said:
Grey Acumen said:


You have good points and a lot of bad points. 1) is a good point, but the fact that PC software progresses with respect to consoles means that we get the newer games with the shinier grphics, and more importantly, the newer gameplay mechanics with stuff like newish physics, shadows, and other things which we don't know of yet which might add a lot to gameplay.

2) Good point, ecept Most HD games now require you to install something too and many of them have started having patches and what not so it's a moot point. Also I don't know where you get the manually setting up files, but I don't think I've had to do that since mid 90s, maybe even earlier. Also the graphical set up goes hadn in hand with what I was talking about in 1). As the games evolve we will need to lower setitngs, this ensures that my PC from 3 or 4 years can play the newest games, which are also 3-4 years ahead of console games.

3)Plain false.Multiple types of input? Games designed for controllers but not MKB? Hate to break it to you but many many genres were made around the KBD+Mouse set up, FPS is one of them. And how escatly are keyboard controls generic at all? You can actually customize every single key that you have to an action you want it to do. It's anything but generic, it is very personalized.

4) Blizzard games have always been on the PC and even if it changes it in the distant future I doubt it will have much effect on consoles. Remember Starcraft for the PS (or was it PS2?)?

As for innovative games, what about Portal? It has to be one of the most original and groundbreaking games so far this half decade. Also isn't Nintendo supposedly making an HD console for their next generation entry?


OT: The consoles are treading drangerously close to PCs and for their sake I hope they start backing off bececause otherwise the PC will overshadow more and more the closer they get to becoming PCs. Sadly I can see consoles coming out where you will be able to upgrade hardware and drivers and what not, and if that happens I predict that consoels will die out.

You read the points, but not the summary. All of the issues you point out are problems that the HD consoles are suffering from. I already pointed out that YES, they are in danger of the problem of being replaced by computers. That's why I pointed out that most of my issues are taken from what Nintendo has done with the Wii.

1) Shinier graphics do not make a game significantly better than the same game without shiny graphics. Newish Physics? Shadows? All of this is a moot point, because while the HD consoles might die out from this factor, the consoles that don't follow this methodology will not be affected. (as I've pointed out numerous times; Wii)

2) See, this is actually a bad point on your side. Either that or missing my point. The original issue was basically the idea that consoles will be pushed to the side. I'm raising a counter issue that they won't by citing points over which PCs will not overcome, not that they couldn't, just that they wont. In this case, HD consoles may now have instals, but that doesn't negate the point for those consoles that don't use instals (Wii)

3) Again you're missing the point. All keyboards allow you to do is have a BUNCH of buttons, and most games that use them allow you to customize your key layout. Why? because you need that level of customization for how much trouble they are. Most consoles don't have that level of customization because when the controls are set up properly, you don't NEED it. Seriously, analog stick will ALWAYS be better for moving from walk to run, etc. Seriously, think about it, what if you want to RUN forward while straffing slowly but SMOOTHLY to the side? A keyboard can't do that because one key is dedicated to making you run or walk, and then whatever movement keys you press after that are both affected the same way. just because a LOT of games are designed around Mouse+Keyboard doesn't make that control setup a good one, simply put, a lot of games are designed that way because they HAD to be in order to sell on the PC platform.

4) yeah, your blizzard point just totally misses whatever mark it was supposed to be hitting. Or maybe it hit it, but I can't tell because your mark is so far off from where it needed to be. It doesn't matter what PC games are available, it's not like we're arguing for the survival of the PC platform. Even if there were no games at all, PCs would still be bought. I'm arguing for the survival of the Console platform. As long as there are exclusive games that can only be played on a console(and as long as Nintendo exists, there will be), the console platform will survive. It doesn't matter what PC only games there are.

otherstuff) I'm not talking about innovative software. you can obviously have that whether it's on PC or console. I'm talking about innovative hardware, sorry for not being clear, as I said, I was distracted towards the end there. Again, my example is citing the Wii as a specific example. You never would have been capable of having that innovation become accepted as a standard if it had been released on a PC, and even if it is attempted in the next 10 years, it will not become a standard that can be taken advantage of by PC games for the reasons I already stated. Guitar Hero and DDR would have completely failed if they had attempted to release for just the PC.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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