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kber81 said:
Sporticus said:

Yes, me and half the forum are Gbalzack apparently. I guess anyone whose registered within the last two months is automatically held in suspision of being one of the Troll King's secret handles.

Hahah... yes, we should replace word troll with Gball... your post speaks for yourself. You can change your nick but sooner rather than later you'll start your job again. I'm not the only one who thinks you are Gball... think for a while about it - even if you aren't G... you act like him... also you will finish like him.  


If I'm not mistaken Gbalzack ruthlessly attacked anything Sony or MS and made a nuissance of himself throughout the board. I'm not exactly sure how anything I've done is in any way similar to that, I think I've been a pretty fair contributor to the forum. But I suppose my not being a 100% Sony devotee is all the similarity needed for your judgment.

I honeslty wonder if you even really believe I'm in anyway Gbalzack or perhaps you're just hoping the stigma gets someone who has dissagreed with you banned. Perhaps we'll see more people using the accusation of "Gbalzack" in hopes of thinning out the newcommer Nintendo/MS ranks here on the forum.

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