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Sony fans should be happy that the game is scoring so well and that they finally have a brilliant game in their collection. Honestly, this is the one game i would want on the Wii more than any other game on another console.
Unfortunately, paying 460 euros to get this game is a little too dear for me.

But having said that, LBP is lucky to have gotten the score it did. Many reviewers (both critics and users) have said that their only complaint is that the controls have not been fully optimized and that there is sometimes a lag.
Lets be honest, if this game was on the Wii, bad controls would have taken 2 points off the average score.
Hell, even Wii sports had trouble achieving an 8 average, and it is probably one of the intensely played games in gaming history.

Anyway, one 8 is not going to change the fact that Sony now has bragging rights over one of the best exclusives this generation.

Member of the Pikmin Fan Club