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Let me tell you .jayderyu that I am a Nintendo fanboy.
Second of all I want is to chat with who ever I want to over the internet while I am gaming. Games like Call of Duty 5, Medal of Honor, MKWii, and EA games would have better online system if we had a  device for communicate. Nintendo has come out with the best communication device that even beats anything MS came out with. Let people chat with who ever they want to and not tell us who we can chat with. Now we need to know certain people in order to chat to them. Also we can only chat with 4 people at one time? So what if you have no Wii friend codes for that game, and according to this you can not chat with anyone unless they are your Wii friend on that particular game.

See it is not that they are taking little to see what is the best for the masses. They just do not get how to do online gaming on the Wii. It is really not that hard at all. Nintendo just want online gaming to be with your friends when they are not over your house and that is it. If they had it somewhat like MS has it were you go into a lobby and pick what you want to do instead of it just given to you is soooo much better. Get ride of friend codes and just let your friends have to put one friend code in and that is in the main menu area. That could be there if we want to send them something or to let us know he is in the same game I am in. Just do not make it were I have to know every person I game. That is not the point of online gaming.