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False etymologies

One reason that the word fuck is so hard to trace etymologically is that it was used far more extensively in common speech than in easily traceable written forms.

There are several urban-legend false etymologies postulating an acronymic origin for the word. None of these acronyms was ever heard before the 1960s, according to the authoritative lexicographical work, The F-Word, and thus are backronyms. In any event, the word fuck has been in use far too long for some of these supposed origins to be possible. Some of these urban legends are:

  • That the word fuck came from Irish law. If a couple were caught committing adultery, they would be punished "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge In the Nude", with "FUCKIN" written on the stocks above them to denote the crime.
  • That it came from any of:
    • "Fornication Under Carnal/Cardinal Knowledge"
    • "Fornication Under [the] Control/Consent/Command of the King"
    • "Fornication Under the Christian King"
    • "False Use of Carnal Knowledge"
    • "Felonious Use of Carnal Knowledge"
    • "Felonious Unlawful Carnal Knowledge"
    • "Full-On Unlawful Carnal Knowledge"
    • "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge"
    • "Found Under Carnal Knowledge"
    • "Forced Unlawful Carnal Knowledge", referring to the crime of rape